How to save energy...?


La plancha es uno de los electrodomésticos que consume mucha energía eléctrica

The iron is one of the appliances that consumes a lot of electricity. It is said that the use of the iron can constitute more than 6% of the monthly electricity consumption, so some tips to save electricity with it are not superfluous:
-Do not pass the iron too quickly over the clothes, if you pass it slowly the clothes will unwrinkle with only one pass instead of passing the iron several times over the same area, this may vary a little depending on the type of fabric to be ironed.
-Make sure the surface is always clean and smooth to make ironing easier.

-Iron as many garments as possible or as many as you are going to need for the week or fortnight, so as not to be using the iron constantly, if you iron only when there is a considerable amount of clothes you will avoid having to waste energy.
-Be careful when hanging out the washed clothes, because the less wrinkled they are, the easier it will be to iron them.
-Ÿ Adjust the temperature of your iron according to the type of fabric. Ÿ Use the residual heat, to take advantage of the heat generated by the iron, you can turn it off when you are about to finish ironing.
-Ÿ Use the residual heat, to take advantage of the heat generated by the iron, you can turn off the iron when you are about to finish ironing.
-Never forget to unplug the iron.
-Dedicate yourself exclusively to ironing focusing on it as the only activity, if you do other things you will be using more electricity than you would need.
-Avoid buying clothes that wrinkle easily, there are clothes that apart from the ironing, which is given to store it, then need to be ironed again before use.

Information taken from the Information Bulletin Empresa Eléctrica Holguín No. 5 / MAY - 2021