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39th Anniversary of the Family Doctor and Nurse Practitioner Program Celebrated in Banes

Celebran en Banes el aniversario 39 del Programa Médico y la Enfermera de la Familia

The municipality of Banes was selected as the most integral in the province of Holguin for its work in rescuing the foundational concepts of the Family Doctor and Nurse Program on the 39th anniversary of its creation. The university polyclinic "César Fornet Frutos" was the scenario chosen to celebrate the results obtained in this important program devised by our Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz.


 Celebran en Banes el aniversario 39 del Programa Médico y la Enfermera de la Familia 2

Primary health care from the very heart of the neighborhood performs a noble and humane mission, that is why three health areas in the province were recognized by the Provincial Directorate of Public Health: the "Juan Manuel Páez", from the municipality of Moa; the "Pedro Díaz Coello", from Holguín and the host of this event. Likewise, the link of different organizations of the municipality that supported the Health sector in 2022 was also highlighted.

Celebran en Banes el aniversario 39 del Programa Médico y la Enfermera de la Familia 3

Health professionals are characterized by their sensitivity and altruism, which is why several of our doctors also received the "Manuel Piti Fajardo" award for their dedication and devotion. The commitment of the Public Health workers and the conviction that Cuba Salva was present in the words of Dr. Julio Yamel Verdecia, provincial director of this sector.

Celebran en Banes el aniversario 39 del Programa Médico y la Enfermera de la Familia 4

This program seeks to prevent risk factors and promote healthy lifestyles.

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