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Problemas de vivienda problemas de todos 1

The Municipal Housing Directorate is one of the organizations that exerts the most concern on the governing bodies of the municipality, problems that drag on over the years and become more complicated, the procedures are increasingly difficult and slow. People who seek their services frequently complain about delays in documents, poor guidance on the steps to follow, and even the loss of documentation.

El agua dignifica a Los Berros 1

There has been a lot of talk about Los Berros these days. Of the change in the energy matrix, the hydraulic will, interviews to directors, to benefited and grateful residents for the new water service; however, we have not yet had the testimony of the person who is a very important piece in maintaining this achievement. Irniel Hidalgo Carballosa, the operator of the pumping station there.


Ulices tú eres nuestro récord
The small town of Los Angeles saw him run for the first time, a rural area of a small municipality, a grain of sand for an immense sea, the eldest son of Barbara and Ulicer, the one, who decided to be a social worker to fight for the interests of his people, the same one who today puts his name at the top of the pride.

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