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Municipality Director for Culture and Arts

Director:Yusleidis Bresler Hidalgo  .


Phone: 24 804655,24 802821, 24 804656

Móvil: 52123794

Address: Avenida Cárdenas 7017 entre Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Bayamo, Banes, Holguín.

Attention to the public
Tuesday:8:00am to 9:00am.

Mission: To guarantee through our network of basic cultural institutions and promoters of the communities the full and complete materialization of a participatory cultural work that fosters the enrichment of the spiritual life of the Banenses and whose artistic and literary expression also consolidates the role in them of culture as an expression and continent of the ideo-aesthetic, artistic, moral and political values ​​that make up the Cuban nation, achieving actions that guarantee resistance against cultural colonization and in defense of national identity, as well as the promotion and conservation of our cultural heritage. The result of our work is materialized in the creation, development and consolidation of ideo-aesthetic, artistic, political, identity and moral values, as a genuine result of the achievement of a massive comprehensive general culture, translated into feelings of identity, patriotism and quality of spiritual life of the population.

Library Symposium held in Banes

Sesiona en Banes Simposio de Biblioteca 2

The Carlos Fernandez Library Symposium was held at the Carlos Fernandez Library in Banes on Friday, June 4, during which the following topics were discussed:

- Work with the notebook: More life to your years.
- Activist librarian.
- The presence of young people in literary gatherings.
- Recreation in community mini-libraries.
- Fidel in the heart of Granma.
- Impact in the Braille area on the Covid-19, in the workshop for the disabled.
- Investigation of the newspaper El Mañana from 1941 to 1942.
- Reading promotion with the handicapped.

Sesiona en Banes Simposio de Biblioteca 1


- Work in the area of information technology advancement.
- Reading promotion and the growth of active readers.
- Today's youth.
- Alternatives to prolong the life of a material, aimed at preventing damage or correcting deterioration.

The winners were Gisela Borrego Laffita from the Municipal Library with her work Alternativas para prolongar la vida de un material, meced a la prevención del daño o la corrección del deterioro, Elizabeth Pino with Trabajo con el cuaderno: Más vida a tus años and Karina Ruiz with the work Bibliotecaria activista, both from the Nicaragua branch.

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