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Director for transportation

Transporte Yunior Valentín Laffita

Yunior Valentín Laffita

Phone: 24 802101, 24 802690 y 24 802698

Mobile: 52861091

Address: Calle B No 13ª entre Coronel Tío y Torrenteras, Banes, Holguín.

Atenttion to public
Friday:9:00am - 12:00pm

The company has a total of 139 workers, of them 112 are men and 27 women. It provides passenger and cargo transportation services, funeral services, collection of spouts, workshop services such as scrubbing, punching, repair, maintenance and sheet metal work.

Scheduling of transportation routes in Banes for the week of May 10 to 14


UEB Transporte Banes informs Banes residents of the schedule of transportation routes in Banes for the week of May 10-14.

- This schedule may vary according to fuel allocation during the month or due to equipment breakdowns.
- The Holguín route is currently suspended due to COVID-19 measures. The other routes are affected by fuel shortages; if more fuel is allocated, the other routes will increase and the number of scheduled trips will increase.

Programación de las rutas de transporte en Banes para la semana del 10 al 14 de mayo


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